

【C++】Some Basic Tips in C++


Record some small tips for easy reference and consolidation of basic knowledge.

1. References &, Pointers *, and Address Operators &#

The reference & is a new concept in C++.

The address operator & obtains the address information of a variable.

A pointer points to a block of memory, and its content is the address of the memory it points to. A reference is an alias for a block of memory.

A reference must be initialized when defined, and can only be initialized once and cannot be changed afterwards. Pointers can be changed.

A reference cannot be empty, while a pointer can be empty.

Below is an example of "pass by value" program. Since the variable x in the body of the Func1 function is a copy of the external variable n, changing the value of x will not affect n, so the value of n remains 0.

void Func1(int x)
    x = x+10;
int n = 0;
cout << "n=" << n << endl;
// Output: n = 0

Below is an example of "pass by pointer" program. Since the variable x in the body of the Func2 function is a pointer to the external variable n, changing the content of this pointer will cause the value of n to change, so the value of n becomes 10.

void Func2(int* x)
    (*x) = (*x) + 10; // * is used to dereference the pointer, x itself represents the address information of n.
int n = 0;
Func2(&n); // Here & is the address operator
// Output: n=10

Below is an example of "pass by reference" program. Since the variable x in the body of the Func3 function is a reference to the external variable n, x and n are the same thing, changing x is equivalent to changing n, so the value of n becomes 10.

void Func3(int &x)
    x = x+10;
int n = 0;
// Output: n=10

Pointers can be reassigned to point to another different object. References always point to the object specified at initialization.

string s1("Nancy");
string s2("Clancy");

string& rs = s1; // rs references s1
string *ps = &s1; // ps points to s1

rs = s2; // rs still references s1, but the value of s1 is now "Clancy"
ps = &s2; // ps now points to s2

2. Arrow (->) and Dot (.) Operators#

For a structure or class, if its object is defined as a pointer, use "->" to access class members or structure elements.

When defining a general object, use "." to access class members or structure elements.

For structures:

struct MyStruct
    int member_a;

MyStruct s;
s.member_a = 1;

MyStruct *ps;
(*ps).member_a = 1;
ps->member_a = 2;

For classes:

class A
    void play();

A *p;

A p;

3. Bitwise Operators & | << >> ^ ~ %#


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